group gathering observations

by withhollandaise


Do you notice that when you go out with a group of friends who pretty much know each other, let’s say from University, that together as a whole, a new persona appears? Almost each and every one of them turn on their inner actor that was casted for a social scene.

Also, it seems that everyone wants to create these pictures showing that that night was immense fun, but really it wasn’t. Why can’t peole accept the fact that group outings can just be OK. And that is totally fine.

People laugh hysterically for no reason. If you watch them carefully something happens… the laughter stops almost immediately. I swear! Try it. Some people really do have this actor identity. I sometimes wonder if they’re thinking: “Did someone say something witty? Gotta laugh! *cue to laugh* Gotta schmize with my eyes! Is it over? Ok, focus on looking hot. *serious face*”
It wouldn’t surprise me if that’s the thought process involved.

And after this three-hour session… the next day, you log on to facebook and there you have it. Pictures that look like it was the best outing EVER! LOL it’s such an amazing phenomenon. But really, it was just ok. What I got from the night were updates from people’s everyday lives: I learned that someone’s boyfriend has to drive an hour back home, that someone has an early shift next Monday… then I watched people laugh hysterically at some comment that I can’t even remember.